inmate Medical
The Inmate Medical Section can be reached at (386) 586-4867. If you do not receive an immediate response, Medical personnel will check the answering machine frequently and respond back to the caller. You may also email the Medical Section directly at
There is now a dedicated 24-hour Jail Medical Hotline (386) 263-6260 for inmate family members to call our Inmate Medical Section for concerns that they feel may need immediate attention.
The telephone line was installed for outside individuals to share any medical information or concerns they have regarding an inmate at the Flagler County jail.
Additionally you may contact the following Detention Facility administrators:
Chief Daniel Engert
Office Direct: 386-586-4862
Health Care Services
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), which is the national patient privacy act, prevents medical personnel from providing medical information to anyone without the written consent of the inmate.
Health care services are provided through a contracted health care group. While incarcerated in the Sheriff Perry Hall Inmate Detention Facility all inmates have the right to medical care and will not be refused because of insufficient funds.
These services are provided free of charge:
- Chronic illnesses
- Follow-up care
- Intake screenings
- Medical emergencies
- Medical histories/physicals
- Mental health services
- Referred illnesses