Explorer Post E-410
Flagler County Sheriff's Office Explorers
Interested in learning about Law Enforcement?
The Flagler County Sheriff's Office Explorer Program was established in 1986 and has been going strong since. The year-round program follows the school calendar and is designed for young men and women 14 – 18 years old who are attending school.
To be a part of this program you must:
- Maintain a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average
- Not have a criminal history
- Be of good moral character
- Follow federal, state and local laws
- Abide by Flagler County Sheriff's Office Policies and Procedures and Explorer Post by-laws
The program is designed to build strong relationships with law enforcement while teaching participants about the law enforcement profession. Explorers work first hand with law enforcement, creating an opportunity to bridge the gap between youth and law enforcement. Explorers receive training in many aspects of law enforcement, such as the history of law enforcement, traffic control, defensive tactics, crime scene investigation, firearms safety and training, search and arrest procedures and physical fitness training.
Explorer Post 410
This post has several Explorer Advisors whom are full-time law enforcement and detention deputies dedicated to the program and its success. If you would like more information on becoming a part of this program, please contact our info line 386-437-4116 or via email fcsoexplorers@flaglersheriff.com
Meeting Dates:
Every Tuesday from 6:00-8:00pm
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